“The only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life, is not to become a saint.” –Leon Bloy
I have always appreciated the first two days of November and this momentous week for the Church. On Thursday, November 1, the Church, and thus SBCA, will celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. The Church in her wisdom gives us this day annually to remind ourselves what our true goal is- Heaven! The Solemnity of All Saints celebrates all the saints of Heaven, those recognized by the Church officially and all those no longer with us who have gone on to their eternal reward. This solemnity exists not only to honor the saints but also to remind us that we are likewise called to sainthood. The saints are reminders that people just like us have achieved great holiness in this life and that we are called to do the same. We are called to holiness and we are called to raise our children to become great saints as well. We often say here at SBCA that we desire to educate the future scholars of academia and saints of Heaven. We teach our children about the saints so that they may emulate them. On All Saints Day, we will have our own celebration for the saints here at SBCA. Students are provided the opportunity to dress as their patron saint or a favorite saint and parade throughout the school. It is always a day of great joy and we look forward to this celebration each year.
On All Souls Day, November 2, the liturgy becomes more solemn as we remember and pray for all the deceased. All Souls Day is a stark reminder that death is always before us and that we must be ready. As Our Lord reminds us in Matthew 24:36, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone. “ We do not know the hour of our death and thus we must be prepared and lead virtuous lives in preparation for sainthood. On All Souls Day, our older students will walk across the street from the school to the Eliot Street Cemetery to pray for the souls buried there. This day is a great opportunity to honor and pray for those no longer living and to teach our students to do the same.
These two days inspire us to reflect on our lives and our ultimate goal. Christians know that this is not our home; we are called to something much greater. We at St. Benedict Classical Academy recognize the great gift and responsibility of being entrusted with the formation of souls and we are grateful to be surrounded by so many future saints!
Author: Headmaster Jay Boren