SBCA recognized as an Independent Catholic School
It was with great joy in April of 2015 that Cardinal Sean O’Malley, O.F.M., Cap., Archbishop of Boston, decreed that St. Benedict Classical Academy might be recognized as an independent Catholic school. As a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Boston, we believe that our faithful teaching of the Catholic faith is an inherent part of our mission and reason for our very existence. The practice of the Catholic faith, as handed down by the Magisterium and articulated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is integral to all we do at SBCA.
Founded by a fervent love for christ and his church
From morning prayer to end-of-the-day examination of conscience, school-wide saint studies to community service projects, weekly Mass with SBCA Chaplain, Father Peter Stamm, to monthly time for Adoration and Confession in our Madonna del Parto Chapel at the schoolhouse (where the Eucharist is perpetually present within the tabernacle), visits from priests and religious to days of recollection, daily religion classes to celebrating liturgical seasons, St. Benedict Classical Academy strives to cultivate a love for the Faith each and every day. Inspired by our Catholic classical pedagogy, it is an essential part of our mission to integrate the Faith into all subject areas, allowing students to discover how faith and reason complement and elevate one another.

All Employees And Members Of The Board Of Trustees Annually Attest To a Statement Of Faith.
The teachings of the Catholic Church permeate and shape the ethos of St. Benedict Classical Academy. Therefore, each year, all faculty and members of the Board of Trustees attest to a Statement of Faith upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Explore Our Curriculum
Explore Our Curriculum
Students are guided in an integrated framework to learn fast the beauty, grandeur, glory, order, connectedness and symmetry of the world around them.
Explore Our SBCA Blog
Explore Our SBCA Blog
Our faculty write weekly blogs on a topic of their choice; this post highlights the effectiveness of a Catholic education.
Catholic Education Honor Roll
Catholic Education Honor Roll
SBCA is a Catholic Education Honor Roll School, recognized by the Cardinal Newman Society.