
Duc in Altum: Navigating the Abyss of Learning and Obedience


After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put into Deep Water and Lower Your Nets for a catch.” Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command, I will lower the nets.” When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing. Luke 5:1-11 It was the first day of my second year of teaching, and I was kneeling in the pew before morning mass reflecting on the Gospel passage above. As I knelt there feelings of discouragement were hitting me [...]

Duc in Altum: Navigating the Abyss of Learning and Obedience2023-10-23T19:37:18-04:00

Faith in Education: The Powerful Impact of Our Catholic Identity


“Repeat after me: ‘nunc coepi’” “NOONK CHEPPY!” “Now, I begin.” “NOW I BEGIN!” “You can always, always begin again. We will always help you figure out how to begin again. God wants you to begin again when something goes wrong (and so do your teachers!)” My office is located in our St. Placid building, which is home to our early learning program. One of my duties is to serve and coordinate support for our early learning faculty members. Even with these, our youngest students, Faith and the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church illuminate every part of our day. We [...]

Faith in Education: The Powerful Impact of Our Catholic Identity2023-10-18T13:10:42-04:00
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