Virtue of the Month

The Miracle of the Mass


Earlier this month I had the joy of witnessing 25 second grade students receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the first time. After a year of eagerly preparing for the Sacrament in prayer and study both at home and school, it was an absolutely beautiful moment. Our entire year of religion class culminates in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Throughout the year we follow the story of God’s people from Adam and Eve’s original sin to the long period of waiting for a savior. We learn about Mary’s “yes” to God leading up to Jesus' birth, life, and ministry. [...]

The Miracle of the Mass2023-05-22T16:27:14-04:00

Tiny Seeds


Every other week I have the opportunity to visit Kindergarten and read the students a book focused on the virtue of the month. While we can certainly model desired behaviors and choices, one of the simplest ways to introduce virtues is through children’s literature. In his book The Mysteries of Life in Children’s Literature, Mitchell Kalpakgian reminds us, “Goodness in children’s stories assumes the nature of simple deeds of kindness: doing a favor for a stranger, sharing one’s bread, helping with the housework. Goodness consists in performing small, humble, unnoticed gestures of goodwill that escape public attention, but which bear great [...]

Tiny Seeds2023-04-14T16:00:06-04:00

The Gift of Jesus


The virtue of the month of December is charity. Charity, when explained simply to children, is “helping others and being kind.” In the classroom I like to use these examples to explain it to my Kindergarten students - if their friend is sad, try to cheer them up; if a teacher needs help cleaning the classroom, help out in any way, even if it is small. At home, in order to foster charity, whenever we notice or hear about charitable things our children have done, we should compliment them! Make sure to encourage the behavior, reward it, and let the children [...]

The Gift of Jesus2022-12-12T20:50:45-05:00

Third Grade Gives Thanks


One of the things I love most about teaching at St. Benedict Classical Academy is how we as teachers are given the opportunity to teach the whole child - heart, mind, and soul. I love teaching all the class subjects, but find that Religion always brings such deep and insightful discussions. One of the first chapters in our Religion textbook for third grade is focused on describing who God is and what He has done for us. As a class we discuss how God is the Creator and everything we have comes from Him. We also talk about how our life [...]

Third Grade Gives Thanks2022-11-15T12:45:59-05:00
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