Welcome to St. Benedict Classical Academy

Welcome to St. Benedict Classical Academy

St. Benedict Classical Academy is a co-ed independent Catholic school that offers a classical education for students in Early Learning through Grade 8. At SBCA, we strive to cultivate intellectual and moral virtue in the pursuit of academic excellence, in a joyful and faithful Catholic environment. At SBCA, students enjoy the merits of small class size, with low student-teacher ratios across all grades.

Our Mission

St. Benedict Classical Academy offers a distinctive classical Catholic education for the whole child, cultivating intellectual and moral virtue in a joyful, Christ-centered environment, rooted in the riches of Catholic magisterial teaching as defined by the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In uniting the Catholic Faith with a classical curriculum, and integrating into the life of the school the virtues first learned in the family, our students gain not only knowledge, but an appreciation of education as a noble pursuit.

From the SBCA blog:

St. Benedict Classical Academy featured in Catholic News Agency

SBCA Headmaster Jay Boren interviewed by oSV news

SBCA featured in St. John Henry Newman Institute School Spotlight

St. Benedict Classical Academy in Catholic Schools Playbook

Rod Dreher on SBCA in The American Conservative

Featured Articles

St. Benedict Classical Academy has received recognition from The Cardinal Newman Society as a National Catholic Education Honor Roll School.

I recently had an opportunity to spend some time at St. Benedict Classical Academy and to meet the faculty and staff there. While the facility was charming and a delightful place to learn, I was even more impressed with the teachers. SBCA is blessed to have such an excellent group of bright, cheerful, and enthusiastic faculty who are committed to their faith and to the noble work of teaching. My only regret is that my family doesn’t live closer to SBCA–my wife and I would certainly send our children there!

Dr. Jeffrey Lehman, Assistant Professor of Education, Hillsdale College

St. Benedict Classical Academy Provides an Alternative to the Common Core

Schools like SBCA provide young students with a breadth and depth of learning unheard of in Common Core schools by putting them in conversation with admired and enduring characters in literature and history—those that have shaped Western Civilization and the Western moral imagination. By steeping students in the works of the great intellectual, moral, and artistic leaders in world history, they have models to emulate: models of fine reasoning and writing but also often of fine character. This is precisely what young children need today.

Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Arkansas
A classical curriculum does not propose that a student merely ‘shake hands’ and develop a passing acquaintance with the greatest thinkers, the greatest artists, saints, and prophets, but rather that he becomes so wholly habituated to their thoughts and words, their prayers and psalms, their masterpieces of art and music, that he himself becomes like those great people.
Dr. Tony Esolen, Crisis Magazine

Our School at a Glance

Parent Enrichment

SBCA Monthly Newsletter: Ora et Labora

Ora et Labora Monthly Newsletter

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Explore Our Catholic Identity

Explore Our Catholic Identity

The teachings of the Catholic Church permeate and shape the ethos of St. Benedict Classical Academy.


Explore Our Curriculum

Explore Our Curriculum

Students are guided in an integrated framework to learn fast the beauty, grandeur, glory, order, connectedness and symmetry of the world around them.